The Blog of artist David "Draculasaurus" Burson. -
-Doctor Who fan art - Comics - Whatever else seems interesting

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Draculasaurus Comic #2

I finished "writing" Draculasaurus Comic #2 last night.
Of course, writing a comic with no words is really just drawing, but it takes a surprising amount of planning.
Volume two is going to be a lot bigger than vol. one was, eight pages longer and with more panels per page.
While the underlying theme of the first comic was water/thirst and spaces, volume two is about food and form.
Coming soon? well I'm just one man, but it's officially in the production stage.
That's something I guess.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Third Doctor and Jo

ink on card stock

Here's one of my new pieces, a portrait of The Third Doctor and Jo.
These ink pieces are really unforgiving, every tiny brush stroke is visible, and once it's been done there's no undoing it. I usually mess them up somehow, but I'm really pleased with this one.
I didn't get a great likeness of Katy Manning, but I thing I really nailed the look of infatuated concern and wonderment she gave the Doctor sometimes.

*click the image to see it larger

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Doctor Who meets Van Gogh

oil on canvas 2009

I may as well start out with this one, it's my most well known piece.
I painted this for a wallpaper competition on a Doctor Who forum, I lost.
This was not inspired by the 2010 Doctor Who episode "Vincent and the Doctor", neither did it inspire that episode, it's just a coincidence.
People seem to like to debate about the logic behind the translated text on the TARDIS it's self.
It's interesting to think about how the psychic link translator and the chameleon circuit might interact.
*click on the image for a 1024x768 wallpaper sized version*