The Blog of artist David "Draculasaurus" Burson. -
-Doctor Who fan art - Comics - Whatever else seems interesting

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Flying Saucer

I finally got some pictures of the flying saucer that's been hanging around my house!

Here's one of it hovering in the field behind my house.

Here's one of it investigating my house. I think it was probably just trying to get into my wi-fi network. Sorry suckers, it's password protected.

*** this is art by the way, not real***

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WTF Google?

So, recently Google changed their search algorithm in an attempt to weed out low quality sites and "content farms". Some websites gained in search rank, and some declined.
I decided to do a Google search for "Draculasaurus" to see how I did.
What do you think came up first?
My registered domain name ""?
My copyrighted comic "Draculasaurus" for sale on IndyPlanet?
The top result is a twitter account with one follower which happens to also use my habitual moniker.
(I'm @Draculasaurus13 on twitter by the way, because plain old @draculasaurus was already taken when I joined.)
Seriously Google?
Google says-

This update is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites—sites which are low-value add for users, copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful. At the same time, it will provide better rankings for high-quality sites—sites with original content and information such as research, in-depth reports, thoughtful analysis and so on.

Sorry Google, it's a fail. -at least in this case.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Charlie Chaplin

Oil on canvas board

Here's a painting I did way back in high school. It's Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan from The Kid. Yeah, that's the same Jackie Coogan, who later in life, played Uncle Fester in the Addams Family television show.
Today is Chaplin's 122nd birthday.
For a while I was obsessed with Chaplin, I read every biography I could find, watched every film.
It's hard to imagine the scope of his influence today, but Chaplin was the first person to become truly world famous within his own lifetime.
His work is a major influence on my art as well.
It's no coincidence that I write a "silent" comic book, there's more than a little of Chaplin's little tramp character in Draculasaurus.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A new pen

Trying out a new pen. It's some kind of Pilot roller-ball with a clicker.
lays down a nice fat very black line. So I drew a third Doctor to take it for a spin.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The War Games

The Second Doctor Defeated
Check out some of my art in The Terrible Zodin #10, a free online Doctor Who fanzine.
Tons of other fantastic art, plus an exclusive interview with the legendary writer Terrance Dicks!
What are you waiting for? Go get The Terrible Zodin #10